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Rhapsody Of Realities Daily Devotional



Dislodge Them

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Pastor Chris

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day (Jude 1:6). 

‭Genesis 6:1-4 recounts how in the early days, entities described as the “sons of God” intermingled with humans: _*“That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose”*_ (Genesis 6:2).

The “sons of God” as used in this context were angels who had left their calling and estate, and used their bodies for evil things; they mated with humans and produced giant offsprings. Jude, by the Spirit, revealed what eventually

happened to these angels: _*“And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day”*_ (Jude 1:6).

God imprisoned these disobedient angels to prevent them from continuing in their wickedness. However, the offspring of these unions roamed the earth with insatiable appetites and a propensity for unrestrained evil. These physical giants built cities, and consumed vegetation at an alarming rate, such that it took a lot to sustain them.

But as they died, their spirits—which were not human spirits but demons—went to hell and punished those in hell because their legal condemnation was not yet established. And because they haven’t been permanently put in hell, they moved in and out of hell as they chose, and also ran rampage in the earth, carrying out evil activities.

Our world still contends with these spiritual free radicals today; demons that influence human affairs and perpetuate

evil. But thanks be unto God; we have the authority in the Name of Jesus to dislodge and dispossess them of their hold and sway over nations and the lives of men.

Every so often, use the Name of Jesus against them and put a stop to the works of these demoniacal entities. Forbid them from influencing things in your life, in your home, in your environment, city and nation. Cast them out in the Name of Jesus! Once you do, the hearts of many in those regions will become open to receive the Gospel gladly and heed the call to salvation, and righteousness will prevail. Hallelujah!

Nothing we do on earth has meaning or value in heaven except that which is connected to the cause of the Gospel; Help build the faith of others to become more effective by sponsoring FREE copies of Rhapsody Of Realities Daily Devotional, click here


*Dear Father, thank you for the power to tread over all the abilities of the enemy. Satan and his demons have no right to run things in my life, in my home, in the lives of my loved ones, or in my nation, because I’ve been vested with all power and authority in heaven and in earth to subdue, dominate and take charge of my world. Hallelujah!*

*FURTHER STUDY:* *||* *Ephesians 6:12* For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]. *||* 

*||* *1 Peter 5:8* Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: *||*

*||* *2 Corinthians 10:4* (For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) *||*


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1-Year Bible Reading Plan John 10:22-42 & 2 Kings 8-9

*2-Year Bible Reading Plan 1 Corinthians 11:20-29 & Proverbs 1

EXCERPT FROM: Rhapsody Of Realities Daily Devotional


You are most welcome to attend Christ Embassy Church services at 18094 Bishop Gaul Belvedere, Harare Zimbabwe every Wednesday (5-6pm), Saturday (8-9am) and Saturday (9-11:30am).

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Gvt hails Prophet Magaya for empowering youths, fighting drug abuse

“If eventually the stadium here is renovated to whatever status, it also means the support by Chitungwiza on its own, it’s not just people who are coming because there is a new stadium but its people who are coming because they have an appreciation of what soccer is all about.”





GOVERNMENT has endorsed Prophet Walter Magaya’s significant investments in the local and regional sports sector as they align with the country’s vision to grow sports as an industry, an area that is also critical in the fight against drug abuse.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged the private sector to partner to fight the scourge of drug abuse, which is disenfranchising the community.

Permanent secretary in the Ministry of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture Nicholas Moyo said this yesterday in a meeting with Prophet Magaya before he officiated at the Magaya Sports Tournament.

The tournament held at Unit L grounds in Seke, Chitungwiza was also graced by the Seke South MP Maxwell Mavhunga and St Marys MP Bernard Mazhindu,

Also in attendance were councillors Obert Matsika, Leah Chindamba and outspoken residents’ leader Marvellous Kumalo.

In thanking Prophet Magaya, Moyo said that by hosting the sports tournament, the Yadah FC owner was also empowering the youths in Chitungwiza by increasing industrialisation of sport.

 “This tournament also contributes a lot towards the consumption of sport in the country. This will then increase the industrialisation of sport in this country,” he said.

“It’s not just about the tournament, it’s about what the tournament can do in the lives of people. There are two fronts that I see, the first one is the participation of youths.

“Currently you are clearly aware that there is a scourge that has affected Zimbabwe and other Southern African nations which is the issue of drug and substance abuse.

“And the more we create such platforms, the more we contribute towards addressing drug and substance abuse.”

“So primarily this tournament will in a long way be a major contributor to that.”

Moyo said the danger with idle people is that they end up entangled in vices that are not acceptable in the community.

“Idleness is not a permanent state. They move away from being idle to then do other things and those other things become vices which are not socially acceptable.

“But when you then occupy that space with sports, you are making them think differently. You are making them start to carve a new dream for themselves.”

He added that by empowering youths in Chitungwiza to participate in sport, Magaya was also creating a sports industry to  accommodate them.

“I think if you look at the multiplier effect of all the number of teams from Chitungwiza that you are talking about, and the support that will come from families of these young players it will go a long way in profiling sports in this community of Chitungwiza.”

Moyo hailed efforts by Prophet Magaya to engage  both government and local authorities and government as this goes a long way in contributing to the vision of the country, including the ministry of sports.

“Our goal as a ministry is to ensure that the creation of the industry is also creating more consumers, the more they take part in this tournament it means tomorrow when Yadah is playing with Herentials there are now more people who are coming to watch, Dynamos on Sunday (today) is playing Highlanders they are now more people who are coming.

“It grows interest from grassroots to consume the sport either at family level and unity level; they now associate with people who play soccer and they want to consume more and understand more about the game. That’s how we also can be able to grow an industry”

“If eventually the stadium here is renovated to whatever status, it also means the support by Chitungwiza on its own, it’s not just people who are coming because there is a new stadium but its people who are coming because they have an appreciation of what soccer is all about.”

“And therefore, on behalf of the government and myself is to congratulate you for this noble concept and trust that we can also be able to encourage and many others, and replicate… maybe the future becomes more, we might end up having a regional Magaya Tournament, who knows.”

Once a local football power house, Chitungwiza no longer has a Premier Soccer League team and stadium to host such matches, yet it is the third-largest urban area in terms of population.

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Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional

He’s Chosen To Favour You

You are most welcome to attend Christ Embassy Church services at 18094 Bishop Gaul Belvedere, Harare Zimbabwe every Wednesday (5-6pm), Saturday (8-9am) and Sunday (9-11:30am).




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Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional

Conquer Unrestrained Anger


You are most welcome to attend Christ Embassy Church services at 18094 Bishop Gaul Belvedere, Harare Zimbabwe every Wednesday (5-6pm), Saturday (8-9am) and Sunday (9-11:30am).










He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. (Luke 16:10)

Faithfulness is a very important virtue every child of God must have. When you’re faithful, you’ll do the assignments you’re given diligently and excellently. 

The Lord told us a story of three servants in the Bible. Their master gave them talents to multiply. The other two servants doubled theirs, but the unfaithful servant didn’t do anything with his, though he got the least. He buried his talent, and his master wasn’t happy with him. 

Don’t be like that unfaithful servant; rather, whatever assignment you’re given, be faithful and carry it out diligently and excellently.


Luke 12:42-43


I am faithful and diligent in the assignments and tasks given to me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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