ZCN editor, Albert Masaka recently visited Antelope Park Game Reserve in Gweru, he narrates his second visit to in two years.
“I had taken her to a physiotherapist and specialist doctors before, hoping that they could try something to help her walk.
In response, the Zimbabwe Red Cross swung into gear, leading a comprehensive strategy focused on prevention, containment, and upscaling efforts at the community level in the...
We uplift communities and contribute to their growth and prosperity with compassion and determination.
We hope that business, financial institutions and investors have a new look at Zimbabwe's markets and connections with its people
Dr Vivek Solanki calls on gvt to revisit Zim advertising regulations
I surrender completely to the Holy Spirit so that He will flow through me at His will to His people
The wide-mouthed White Rhinos are grazers who prefer short grasses
Black Umfolosi performing Arts Project is registered as a company. It is also registered with the Zimbabwe Ministry of Sports and Culture, as well as the...
Runs 26 Islamic centres in the Mashonaland areas where he takes care of 1 357 orphaned children.